We invite you to visit the bilingual website of David Hume Institute Foundation - Research Centre on Normative and Institutional Evolution - We have the honour to have Ezequiel Gallo (President), Martín Farrell, Delia Matilde Ferreira Rubio, Guido Pincione, Ricardo Manuel Rojas, Mario Serrafero, Fernando Roberto Tesón, Salvatore Tolone Azzariti, Sheldon Wein, Leonidas Zelmanovitz and Eduardo Zimmermann in our Advisory Board. The members of the Board are Eleonora Coronel, Adrián Lucardi, Federico Sosa Valle and me.
David Hume Institute Foundation - Research Centre on Normative and Institutional Evolution- is a research centre and academic think tank that aims to explore different lines of thought in the areas of law, humanities and social sciences, in order to understand the evolution of rules and institutions and make public policy proposals. The Foundation is named after the empiricist philosopher David Hume, a representative of the Scottish Enlightenment of the XVIII Century, whose ideas and spirit of free inquiry inspire today many of the newer schools of thought about man and society, especially those that offer an evolutionary view of institutions and propose an interaction between the social and natural sciences.
It is the purpose of the David Hume Institute Foundation to incorporate cutting edge research in the academic and political debate, such as the findings of evolutionary theory, experimental philosophy and economics, evolutionary game theory, behavioural law and economics, neurosciences, and the latest versions of public choice school, new institutional economics and rational choice theory. It develops research projects and organizes activities to diffuse them, aiming to provide a framework for public policy proposals that could be incorporated into the public agenda. It also promotes the interaction of researchers from different fields of knowledge and the collaboration between researchers, politicians and journalists.
18 August 2013
13 July 2012
E. O Wilson on the evolutionary explanation of human "tribes" (Spanish and English)
En abril de este año salió publicado un artículo en Newsweek
Argentina con un análisis de un trabajo de E. O. Wilson sobre una explicación
evolucionista de las "tribus" humanas publicado en Newsweek USA. En el mismo, sale mi opinión sobre algunas de
estas ideas (sólo tomaron un par de frases). Aquí les dejo el link a la nota
(en castellano): http://diagonales.infonews.com/nota-178156-Homotribu.html
Y aquí también les dejo el link al artículo original de
Wilson en la Newsweek de USA (en inglés):
In April
this year, an article in Newsweek Argentina was published discussing the work
of E. O. Wilson on an evolutionary explanation of the human “tribes”. My
opinion appears in it (only a couple of sentences).Here ´s the link to the article
(in Spanish): http://diagonales.infonews.com/nota-178156-Homotribu.html
And also here is the link to the original
article by Wilson in Newsweek USA (in English): http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2012/04/01/biologist-e-o-wilson-on-why-humans-like-ants-need-a-tribe.html
11 March 2012
Curso "Introducción a la Teoría de los Juegos en las Ciencias Sociales" dictado por el Dr. Diego Ríos
La Fundación Instituto David Hume - Centro de Investigaciones en Evolución Normativa e Institucional y ESEADE organizaron el curso "Introducción a la Teoría de los Juegos en las Ciencias Sociales" que dictará el Dr. Diego Ríos a partir del miércoles 14 de marzo en ESEADE.
El objetivo de este curso es presentar de manera concisa la teoría de los juegos clásica, sin presuponer conocimientos previos sobre el tema por parte del alumno. El curso buscará esclarecer las ideas principales de la teoría de los juegos, proveyendo un cuadro teórico general que permita ahondar posteriormente, más detenidamente, en los detalles por aquellos estudiantes que así lo deseen. Con el objetivo de hacer el tratamiento y el aprendizaje más intuitivo, se proveerán ejemplos de distintos campos de aplicación – el derecho, la economía, la teoría política y la teoría de la evolución – mostrando, así, la amplia gama de cuestiones que pueden ser tratadas y esclarecidas utilizando los útiles de la teoría de los juegos. Se prestará cierta atención a la teoría evolutiva de los juegos.
Diego Ríos es doctor en Filosofía (King’s College London), doctor en Sociología (Universidad de la Sorbona), y magíster en ciencias cognitivas (École Polytechnique, Francia). Asimismo, ha sido Visiting Scholar en la Universidad de Brown (USA) e investigador en la Academia de Finlandia y la Universidad de Helsinki. Se ha desempeñado como docente en Universidad de Versalles (Francia), en la Universidad de Hertfordshire (Inglaterra), en la Universidad de Colonia (Alemania), en la Universidad de Dusseldorf (Alemania) y en la Universidad Witten Herdecke (Alemania), donde ha recibido su Habilitación académica. Diego Ríos ha publicado en diversas revistas internacionales sobre temas que están en la confluencia de las ciencias sociales, la filosofía, las ciencias cognitivas, y la teoría de los juegos.
Duración del curso: 5 clases.
Comienza el Miércoles 14 de Marzo de 2012
Horario: Miércoles 19 – 21 hs
Costo: 600 $
Consultar por becas Comunidad ESEADE
Consultas e Inscripciones: Manuela Trujillo: mtrujillo@eseade.edu.ar
22 August 2011
Matt Ridley: When ideas have sex | Video on TED.com
I strongly recommend this video, a Ted Talk of Matt Ridley on "When Ideas have Sex".
A very good blend of a great explanation of capitalism and the division of labour and the evolutionary emergence of ideas that make our life easier.
Enjoy it!
Matt Ridley: When ideas have sex | Video on TED.com
A very good blend of a great explanation of capitalism and the division of labour and the evolutionary emergence of ideas that make our life easier.
Enjoy it!
4 June 2011
International Conference "Evolution, Cooperation and Rationality. Philosophical Perspectives"
The International Conference "Evolution, Cooperation and Rationality. Philosophical Perspectives" is organised by a research group working on these subjects in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bristol and directed by Professor Ken Binmore and Professor Samir Okasha.
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Ken Binmore |
The conference will take place on June 27th- 29th 2011 and will have as keynote speakers well-known professors -in adittion to Binmore and Okasha-such as David Papineau, Peter Godfrey-Smith, Elliot Sober and many others. Here is the link to the Conference Website.
I am very happy to get a paper accepted to be read in this International Conference. I will talk about "Evolutionary accounts of normative orders: Rationality and the homo economicus/homo sociologicus debate". Here is the link to the conference timetable (where my presentation is also announced!)
During the conference, I will be posting new, anecdotes and my impressions about it!
8 May 2011
Hayek on Evolution and Spontaneous Orders
I found this video of Friedrich A. Hayek speaking at the 33rd Meeting of Nobel Laureates at Lindau in 1983. It is a good summary of his own ideas on Evolution and Spontaneous Orders. There are several points that could be discussed nowadays (such as his vision of group selection) but I think it´s worth watching. By the way, today is Hayek´s Birthday!
9 March 2011
Evolutionary Psychology
In June 2005 I had the opportunity to attend the Social Change Workshop for Graduate Students at the University of Virginia, a summer seminar organized by the Institute for Humane Studies (George Mason University). In that occasion, I could be introduced to Evolutionary Psychology (EP) and its applications to Social Sciences by Leda Cosmides and Todd Zywicki´s lectures.
Despite the fact that there are certain controversial points, I think that EP point of view could be interesting and worthy of consideration. I am posting here the basic principles of this theory, so as to start discussing it. These points are extracted from “Evolutionary Psychology: A Primer” by Leda Cosmides & John Tooby, published by the Center for Evolutionary Psychology of the University of California Santa Barbara.
In this paper Cosmides & Tooby state that the “goal of research in evolutionary psychology is to discover and understand the design of the human mind”. From their viewpoint, the mind is “a set of information-processing machines that were designed by natural selection to solve adaptive problems faced by our hunter-gatherer ancestors.”
The EP confronts what they called the Standard Social Science Model (SSSM) For Cosmides and Tooby the SSSM proposes a vision of the mind as a blind slate. For SSSM: “The social world organizes and injects meaning into individual minds, but our universal human psychological architecture has no distinctive structure and organizes the social world or imbues it with characteristic meanings.”
On the other hand, EP tries to understand what are the brains, how brains process information and how the brain’s information-processing programs generate behavior. So they states five principles, derived from biology:
Principle 1: The brain is a physical system. It functions as a computer. Its circuits are designed to generate behavior that is appropriate to your environmental circumstances.
Principle 2: Our neural circuits were designed by natural selection to solve problems that our ancestors faced during our species´ evolutionary history.
Principle 3: Consciousness is just the tip of the iceberg: most of what goes on in your mind is hidden from you. As a result, your conscious experience can mislead you into thinking that our circuitry is simpler that it really is. Most problems that you experience as easy to solve are very difficult to solve – they require very complicated neural circuitry.
Principle 4: Different neural circuits are specialized for solving different adaptive problems.
Principle 5: Our modern Skulls house a stone age mind.
Of course, each of these principles requires more explanation and discussion, but I leave this post here, looking forward your first impressions: Do you think that EP could be an interesting research program? It is compatible with what we called Classic Evolutionism (please see the first post)? We will continue posting about EP and its critics…
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